Single Serving Recipe Finder

Got leftover ingredients or items in your pantry you want to use? Transform them into delicious meals for one! Our recipe finder is your solution to reducing food waste. It helps you create single serving and small batch recipes from ingredients you already have. Simply type in any ingredient – from avocado to that last bit of cheese – and discover perfectly portioned recipes designed to use what you have on hand. Eliminate food waste and embrace exciting new meals designed just for you.

How to Use the Recipe Finder

1) Find the bar that says “SELECT INGREDIENTS” and click on it.
2) You can scroll down to see lots of ingredients, or just type in the one you’re looking for.
3) When you see the ingredient you have, click the little box next to it. Then, you’ll see recipes show up below that use that ingredient.
4) You can click on any recipe that looks good, or keep choosing more ingredients to find the perfect one for you.
5) If you can’t find a recipe you like, no worries! You can unclick an ingredient to see more recipes, or hit the button that says “Reset Ingredient Filters” to start over.

It’s super easy and a fun way to find recipes you can make with what you’ve got!